

维持资格 联邦学生援助(FSA)项目, 学生必须达到令人满意的学术进步(SAP)标准的平均成绩, 速度, 和时间框架的程度. It is a student’s responsibility to become familiar with their college’s SAP Policy if they wish to receive 联邦 Student Aid (FSA). 未能满足SAP要求将使学生的经济援助处于危险之中. The 金融援助 SAP policy also applies to students using the Nebraska Waiver of 学费 Program (NE R.S.S. 80-411).


To receive or continue to receive financial aid, students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA.  累积GPA要求根据尝试的学分数而有所不同.

副学士学位课程   成就证书或职业证书课程
尝试学时数 最低GPA要求   尝试学时数 最低GPA要求
0 - 29.5 1.5   0 -任意 2.0
30 - 79.5 1.75      
80+ 2.0      

标准2:完成率(已完成/尝试时数= 67%)

The percentage of attempted credit hours completed is measured by dividing the cumulative number of completed credits by the cumulative number of attempted credits.  最低要求是67%.  用于经济援助目的, 如果一门课程的成绩达到a,则视为完成, B, C, D, P, 或者R是挣来的.  F、W、I的成绩被认为是不及格的成绩,降低了完成率. 


The maximum time frame for the completion of a degree or certificate is limited by federal regulations to 150 percent of the published number of credit hours required to complete the degree or certificate. 这包括转学学分和所有尝试的学分, 包括已修学分, 审计, 不完整的, 取款, CLEP, 重复或不及格的课程.   学生必须能够以最高学分限额完成他们的课程.  Once it becomes mathematically impossible to complete within the maximum credit limit students are placed into denied (DEN) status.


被拒绝入学的学生有权上诉.  所有申诉均由满意进展委员会审查.  在审查上诉时, the committee looks for mitigating circumstances (unusual or extraordinary circumstances beyond the student's control that the student could not have planned for).

SAP申诉每季度根据公布的截止日期进行审查 请参阅财务援助自助申诉表格了解截止日期.


  1. The Financial aid Satisfactory Progress Appeal Form is an electronic form available to student through their 金融援助 Self Service.  自助服务, the student should review their Satisfactory Academic Progress by clicking on the SAP status banner in the middle of the page.  从那里, SAP申诉表格可通过点击帮助链接下的SAP申诉表格链接获得.  student appeals are available for all students requesting 联邦 金融援助 and applicable Nebraska State 学费 Waiver eligible students.  如果你申请联邦援助,你必须有FAFSA档案.
  2. 填写电子申诉表格.  学生将被要求回答三个问题.
    1. Explain the circumstances contributing to your inability to maintain 金融援助 Satisfactory Progress.
    2. 解释你是如何处理这些情况的.
    3. 确认你的学习计划和需要完成多少学时.
  3. 提交任何证明文件,以协助审查上诉.


财政援助令人满意的进展委员会审查上诉.  学生 are notified of the committee's decision by their OPE电子竞技官网 student email and in 金融援助 Self Service.

当上诉被批准时,助学金将恢复到学生提出上诉的那个季度.  如果学生在复学期间没有出席, 恢复将适用于下个季度的入学.  学生 are placed on a Monitoring status (for details on Monitoring status please see 金融援助 SAP Status).

当上诉被拒绝或学生决定不上诉时, students are responsible for payment of all educational charges on their OPE电子竞技官网 Account until they appeal or successfully return to good standing.






学生 who do not meet SAP standards after their first quarter are placed warning and may still receive financial aid in the subsequent term. Their status may change back to good standing if they progress in SAP or move to denied if they continue to fail SAP standards.


在警告季度结束时没有达到SAP标准的学生, 或者那些超过最大时限的人将被移至拒绝状态. 联邦学生援助(FSA)项目被拒绝. 然而,学生有机会对拒绝提出上诉.


学生 with an approved appeal are placed on monitoring/probation status for the subsequent quarter. 学生 on probation must meet the requirements for continued financial aid eligibility; complete all attempted credits, 季度平均绩点不低于2分.0 or higher, and attempt no more than 150 percent of the credits required for their program of study. 在试用期间, students must follow the academic program approved in their appeal and cannot change their program of study until regaining good standing.




有批准的最长时间框架申诉的学生有资格获得下一个季度的援助. 在获得批准的最长时间状态下,学生必须遵循他们的学术课程.


学生 may remain in extended max timeframe monitoring until they complete their program so long as they continue to meet the terms of their approved appeal.



Audit courses are ineligible for financial aid funding and do not count toward the number of attempted credits or the number of earned credits; however, 它们会计入最高信用额度.


学生 can only receive financial aid once for a repeated course if they have already received a grade of R, P, D或以上. Credits from repeated courses count as attempted and earned credits as well as count toward the maximum credit limit. 除了, grades for the first time the course is taken and all times the course is repeated count toward the Satisfactory Progress cumulative GPA.


CLEP课程没有资格获得财政援助资金. The credits count as attempted and earned credits as well as toward the maximum credit limit but do not affect the Satisfactory Progress cumulative GPA.


Credits transferred to OPE电子竞技官网 from another institution count as attempted and earned credits as well as count toward the maximum credit limit but do not affect the Satisfactory Progress cumulative GPA.


非母语英语课程课程的学分计入尝试学分和已修学分. 联邦, 状态, and institutional financial aid can be received for a maximum of 100 attempted 非母语英语课程 credit hours. 学生 who lose financial aid eligibility because they exceed 100 attempted credit hours of 非母语英语课程 may regain aid eligibility when they start developmental classes or college-level classes.


学生 admitted into financial aid eligible programs are eligible to receive federal aid for up to 45 developmental credits. Developmental credits count as attempted and earned credits as well as count toward the maximum credit limit. 它们也会影响满意进展累积绩点.


High school students enrolled in OPE电子竞技官网 courses that will apply toward their high school graduation requirements and earn them credits at OPE电子竞技官网 are not eligible to receive federal aid. 双录取学生高中毕业时, 在OPE电子竞技官网注册符合经济援助条件的项目并申请经济援助, credits for the OPE电子竞技官网 courses taken under a dual enrollment program count as attempted and completed credits as well as toward the maximum credit limit. 这些学分也影响满意进展累积GPA.